About Me

My photo
San Antonio, TX, United States
I'm a 26 year old model/accountant/riding instructor that lives in San Antonio, TX. I am a single mother of two beautiful girls that remind me the meaning of life on a daily basis. I've been modeling for over 3 and a half years, and focus on everything from glamour to fine art. I love the opportunity to collaborate creative ideas with photographers. My accounting business focuses mainly on tax accounting, and the majority of my clients are small business owners. To call me an equine enthusiast would be an understatement. I truly believe that the 1100 pound animal we call a horse is the most graceful and gentle animal on the planet.

Monday, December 1, 2008

How I got started in modeling...

Modeling became an interest of mine when my youngest daughter was two months old. I had modeled a bit when I was younger (before I was able to sign my own model release), but never took it to a professional level. At the age of 23, with a newborn child to consider, modeling was never an intended career path. I went to my local Glamour Shots to purchase a holiday gift for my family, and perhaps boost my self-confidence along the way, when I was approached about my face in thousands of retail stores nationwide. Stunned, I accepted their generous offer, signed a release, and went about my way carrying a gigantic framed image of myself. (On a side note, I still can't figure out where to put that damn thing. It looks like I'm a bit self absorbed to have it hanging above the fireplace...)
I went home that night with thousands of thoughts running rampant inside my brain. Is this something I could do? Curiosity got the best of me, and I started with google the next morning. There are many networking sites for beginner models, some with honest intentions and some not. I posted the images from GS on a few and went about my business. By the time I checked my email a couple of hours later, it was completely full. I got emails from photographers that wanted to help create my book, for the low price of 1500 dollars. Being a single mother of two, those emails went directly to the trash folder. I received emails from local photographers that wanted to “manage” my modeling career. I learned many valuable lessons in those first few months, one of which was to terminate the phone call when a photographer starts discussing the ‘chemistry between a model and photographer, even if it means crossing certain boundaries that aren’t normally accepted in other professions.’ I also received emails from legitimate photographers across the United States that were willing to help me build a portfolio with professional photos. Filtering through the emails, however, was a nightmare. It seems in this industry there are numerous crooks out there to prey upon a new recruit. Whether it’s a promise to get your photos in front of top agencies or a low life scum bag trying to get you alone in a hotel room, my advice is to stay clear of anything that seems to good to be true.
A few of those photographers that helped me gain experience and knowledge of this industry became very close personal friends of mine. I have met a few of their wives, some of their children, and even a couple of mothers along the way. The more comfortable I became in front of the camera, the better the images I received after the shoot. It didn’t take me long to realize that I needed to let loose and have fun, whether it was the first time or the last time I was going to be working with a photographer. I must take a brief moment to mention Michael Weller, the most professional photographer I have ever met. I worked with Michael during his trip to San Antonio for a PPA conference, and despite snow and ice that weekend (yes I said snow and ice in San Antonio!), I worked with him twice before he was back on a plane to California. Michael never pushed me outside of my comfort level; he treated my escort and I like guests in his home. During that particular trip, he also photographed my best friend, who is a bilateral amputee due to a tragic accident, definitely in need of some photographic therapy. My friends, that is another blog post all in itself. ;) After working with Michael that first time, I felt a burst of passion for being on that side of the lens that I had never felt before.
So I suppose the rest is history! Almost four years later, I have the experience and diversity in my portfolio to call myself a professional model. Modeling is my main source of income, despite my degree in accounting. I have had the pleasure of meeting at working with some very talented individuals, models and photographers alike.


1 comment:

Roland Darby said...

i like it. now i want to shoot you!